Cook County Treasurer Releases 2nd Installment Tax Bills for Tax Year 2022
The Cook County Treasurer has posted the 2nd installment property tax bill for the Tax Year 2022 for all properties in Cook County on their website, This comes after the announcement in July that the 2nd installment bills would be mailed to taxpayers before November 1, 2023 with an anticipated due date of December 1, 2023. While the posting of the tax bills predates that earlier announcement, taxpayers still have until December 1, 2023 to pay their 2nd Installment tax bills in full.
Historically, 2nd installment tax bills have been sent to taxpayers in July with a due date falling toward the beginning of August. However, taxing authorities have been unable to meet that standard for the past 2 years with 2nd installment tax bills being delivered later than the historical norm.
Property taxes can be paid to the Cook County Treasurer by mail, in person, online, or at one of many banks across Cook County. If you have any questions about your property tax bill or would like to know if there is any way to reduce your property tax burden, please contact Crane & Norcross at 312-726-9161. You can also submit a request on this website or email us at We stand ready to answer all your questions about the property tax assessment process.
C&N concentrates on property tax law exclusively and focuses on maintaining trust and delivering exceptional service to clients. Organizations and individuals with interests in real estate face a wide range of complex issues, and C&N assists clients in overcoming property tax challenges and obtaining fair assessments.