Assessor Sets New Deadlines for Appeals
The Cook County Assessor has once again set deadlines for assessment notices mailed out in February and March, after previously suspending all such deadlines on March 19th. For the townships of River Forest, Riverside, Oak Park, Palos, Evanston, Norwood Park, Rogers Park, New Trier, and Barrington, the deadline to appeal your assessment with the Cook County Assessor is now May 1st.
In addition to this new deadline for those taxpayers who have already received their assessment notice, the Assessor has altered the appeal process in two important ways. First, the window of time to appeal your assessment after it is mailed out has now been shortened from 40 days to 35 days. In addition, there will no longer be a rereview period for these appeals. These changes, applying only to the 2020 appeal calendar, will make it vitally important that taxpayers are prepared to fight their assessments as soon as they receive them.
Crane and Norcross remains ready to fight for fair assessments. If you have any questions about the appeals process or any other property tax matter, please contact us at or 312-726-9161.