2nd Installment Property Tax Bills Still Not Ready
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle announced this week that the 2nd installment of 2021 property tax bills in Cook County would be due before the end of the year. However, she could not say when exactly that due date would be. This uncertainty follows an historically late appeal cycle that has the Board of Review in Cook County still far from closure deep into July.
Before the COVID-related delays last year, 2nd installment property tax bills in Cook County were typically mailed to taxpayers in July with a due date in August. Since 2011, the County had reliably gotten bills out in this timeframe. However, the appeal process for the 2021 assessments released by the Cook County Assessor has been historically slow, with the Assessor’s Office taking nearly a year to release the final results of some townships. This delay led to an incredibly late Board of Review session that is still being completed.
While President Preckwinkle has made an assurance that tax bills will be due by the end of the year, it is unclear when exactly that due date will fall. If you are uncertain about any aspect of the property tax process in Cook County, please contact us at info@craneandnorcross.com or 312-726-9161 today. At Crane and Norcross, LLC, we have decades of experience in challenging property tax assessments and stand ready to help you.